Free Count and Color St. Patrick’s Day Preschool Printable

Free Count and Color St. Patrick’s Day Preschool Printable

Teach preschoolers how to count while working on their fine motor and handwriting skills with these Count and Color St. Patrick’s Day activity pages.

St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate than with a fun and educational activity for your little ones? We’ve created a cute St. Patrick’s Day-themed count and color printable that’s perfect for preschoolers and kindergarteners. This printable is in black and white, so children can color in the items as they find them, adding an extra element of fun to the game!

Benefits of playing this Count and Color St.Patrick’s Day activity for kids

This activity page might look like a simple activity to keep your kid busy, but there is a great deal of learning going on!

  • Visual discrimination: Enhances focus and the ability to differentiate between shapes and details.
  • Fine motor skills: Improves grip strength and fine motor control while using pencils, crayons, or other writing tools.
  • Memory: Develops memory as children remember what they’re searching for and match similar items.
  • Counting and number formation: Promotes counting skills and proper number formation. Encourage further discussion by asking about quantities (e.g., which item has the least, the most).

Your freebie includes three activity pages with 3 levels of difficulty: easy, harder, and hardest.

Usage and Printing

Print these Count and Color St.Patrick’s Day activity pages on 8.5×11 copy paper. Or you can print on cardstock if you intend to use markers or watercolors. I love my Staedler watercolor pencils and markers from Muji.

Count and Color St.Patrick's Day Printable freebie


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St. Patrick's Day count and color free pages


Permitted use: The files are for personal use only. You may not use them for commercial purposes. If you would like to share with others, please send them to this post to download the files themselves.

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As always, I appreciate you stopping by! Stay healthy and safe!

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Free Printable Gratitude Activity for Kids

Free Printable Gratitude Activity for Kids

A simple and fun drawing and coloring gratitude activity page to help your kids focus on the people and things that they’re thankful for this Thanksgiving.

Gratitude thanksgiving coloring and drawing activity for kids

This gratitude drawing and coloring activity is great for preschooler, kindergarten, older kids, and even adults. The printable is design to be very basic so preschoolers won’t be overwhelmed. At the same time, it has blank spaces for older kids and adults to doodle in their own art.

For my preschooler who loves to draw, I basically just asked him to draw in what he’s thankful for or people or things that he loves and he was off to drawing them. He didn’t color it all in because he had to go back to his virtual Pre-K class. But he was back at it after school ended.

completed gratitude drawing and coloring page thanksgiving activity
My 4 year old son is grateful for his mom, dad, brother, dog (depicted here pooping) and poop (shown here by a hand catching poop)!


White cardstock
Color pencils or fine point markers


Download and print out the gratitude drawing and coloring page onto copy paper or cardstock.
Supply your kid with some markers, color pencils and let her draw and color in the gratitude page.

If you want to do this activity in Procreate, download the PNG file.

Gratitude drawing coloring page done in Procreate
I colored mine in using Procreate.


Click here to download the Gratitude page PNG file.
Click here to download the gratitude page in PDF file.

Thank you so much for visiting the blog. Have a great day!